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Information for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Doctors

RACMA is committed to creating pathways and providing support for the development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Leaders, and to enhancing the recruitment, retention, and successful Fellowship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors into the Medical Administration specialty.

Introducing RACMA’s First Nations Advisor

Nadene Edmonds

Me mihi ka tika ki a Ihowa o ngā mano
E rere tonu ana ngā mihi ki a rātou kei tua o te ārai, haere ki te pae o mahara, haere ki te pai o aroha
Hoki mai ki a tātou te kanohi ora, ki te Ao Kikokiko, ki te Ao Hurihuri

Tēnā tātou katoa.
Me mihi ka tika ki te whenua o Naarm, ka tū ai te Kāreti RACMA. Tū pakari ai te Woi-Wurrung he rōpū reo mai i te Wurundjeri nā te iwi Kulin, kei a rātou te mana tikanga o Naarm. Toitū te whenua, Toitū te tangata, Toitū te kawa – mō ake tonu atu.
Ko Hāparapara te awa
Ko Rangiipoua te maunga
Ko Ōtūwhare te marae
Ko Horouta rātou ko Mataatua ko Tainui ko Te Arawa ngā waka tapu
Ko Te Whānau-ā-Rūtaia te hapū
Ko Te Whānau-ā-Apanui te iwi
He hononga ano hoki ki: Ngati Porou, Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga, Ngati Tūwharetoa.
Tēnā koe i tau mai ki tēnei wharangi,
Tēnā hoki koe koutou ko tō whānau
Hei oranga mō te tini
Hei oranga mō te mano
Hei ara mō ngā tangata e whai nei o rātou ake wawata.
Koirā te mea nui ki ahau.
He mihi nunui ki a koe, mehemea he pātai āu – tukua mai!

I am a proud descendant of Te Whānau-ā-Rūtaia – Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, from Te Moana-ā-Toitehuatahi Bay of Plenty of Te Ika ā Māui North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand. I also have tribal affiliations to: Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, and Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

As the First Nations Advisor for RACMA I welcome the opportunity to support you in your engagement with our College and encourage you to contact me with any questions you have.

Naku noa,

Contact Us

To get in touch with Nadene, please email or phone +61 3 9088 7969.