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The RACMA Fellowship Training Program Curriculum Learning Outcomes provides a roadmap to guide learners through the core competencies vital for success in medical leadership and management. From clinical governance, strategic planning and financial management to ethical decision-making and stakeholder engagement, the curriculum learning outcomes encapsulate the multifaceted nature of the Specialist Medical Administrator’s role.

The Curriculum Learning Outcomes outline the essential knowledge, skills and abilities Candidates are expected to develop as part of the Fellowship Training Program. The knowledge, skills and abilities are required to practise safely and independently as a Specialist Medical Administrator in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Fellowship Training Program Curriculum Framework is based on a modified CanMEDS Framework. It provides an educational framework and structure based on 8 intersecting domains of professional practice that are considered essential for a RACMA Fellow.

RACMA Fellowship Training Program Domains of Professional Practice

RACMA Fellows integrate the competencies from all 8 interrelated and intersecting domains of professional practice. For each of the domains of professional practice the expected graduate outcomes, key competencies and learning outcomes are defined. Together these describe the attributes expected of a Candidate upon completion of the RACMA Fellowship Training Program.

Please note: The RACMA Medical Leadership and Management Curriculum was in place until 2 February 2025.