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  • Go to the MyRACMA portal website [Top Righthand Side of this website]
  • Enter your username: [email address]
  • Enter your password: [if you have not set your password beforehand, please click "forgot your password"]
  • Click the "Login" button.

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How do I apply for STP funding?

RACMA receives funding for 17 standard STP positions across the private and rural sectors. All positions are allocated to existing settings, however, RACMA manages a Reserve List of suitable posts that will be used to fill vacancies. 

Reserve lists are refreshed through Expression of Interest (EOI) processes that are run by Australia’s Department of Health via an online process.  It is not known when the next EOI process will be held, however if you wish to be notified when a new EOI is being offered, please email to register your interest or complete this FORM.

EOI Process

  • Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are held approximately every 1-2 years and are managed by the Department of Health via an online process.
  • EOI applications are assessed by both RACMA and the relevant Jurisdiction.
  • Suitable EOI applicants are placed on RACMAs Reserve List and may be offered when a vacancy occurs. Being placed on the Reserve List is not a guarantee of funding.

RACMA is responsible for managing the Reserve List in consultation with the Department. Please see the STP Operational Framework for further information about the EOI process and eligibility.

Additional Information

Settings that participate in STP acknowledge they only provide a contribution towards the cost of employing and providing training to a trainee. The funded setting is responsible for covering the remaining cost

Trainees cannot apply for STP funding and should speak to their health setting if they wish to participate in the program

STP funding is intended to support medical administration registrar positions, rather than substantive roles.

Specialist International Medical Graduate (SIMG) trainees may occupy STP-funded settings if they are applying for permanent residency in Australia.