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Reconciliation Week 2020

< 1 Min Read

As every community, organisation, business and individual come together across Australia for the common good to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, it is timely we all unite to remember our shared histories, cultures, and achievements as a nation.

In recognition of National Reconciliation Week (NRW), RACMA acknowledges and celebrates the importance of the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The 2020 theme for National Reconciliation Week is very apt, given the current health crisis climate – #In this together. This year, Reconciliation Australia marks 20 years of shaping Australia’s journey towards a more just, equitable and reconciled nation.

Through the Indigenous Health Working Group, the College is increasing its advocacy for better health, safety and education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Australia.

As Medical Leaders we have a key role to play when it comes to reconciliation. In playing our part we can collectively influence communities to connect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and ensure their histories and cultures are valued.

The College encourages all Members to champion unity and mutual respect across their workplaces and communities and harness the knowledge of all cultures to deliver safe, quality healthcare.

National Reconciliation Week 27 May – 3 June. For more information visit

Author: Felicity Gallagher

27th May 2020

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