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R U OK? Day

2 Min Read

This year has been a challenging year for many and as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong, there is no doubt the toll it is taking on the psychological wellbeing of many.

In recognition of R U OK?Day 2020 today, RACMA acknowledges the significant responsibility our Members carry as the custodians of clinical quality, safety and system integrity. Doctors and medical leaders are not immune to the emotional and mental impacts of this public health crisis and the daily pressures of work. The physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of all Medical Leaders is crucial to deliver quality healthcare and minimise the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Australasian health system.

The R U OK? mission is to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with and support those around them. As COVID-19 continues it has made it even more important to stay connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us.  R U OK? is calling on Australians to include staying connected in their daily routine as they deal with the lasting impact of the Coronavirus. To stay connected R U OK? advises to:

• Create a list: Think about who in your world, personal or professional, near or far who might be struggling.

• Dedicate the time: Make ‘time to ask’ as part of your daily routine.

• Choose your channel: Communicate in way that works for you both: make a phone call, send an SMS, video call, email or, if you can meet in person you might want to chat over the fence, go for a walk together or catch up for a cuppa. 

RACMA encourages our Medical Leaders to:

  • support each other;
  • look out for each other;
  • show compassion;
  • listen to staff; and
  • make it a priority to check in every few days with colleagues where you can. The social connection and interaction is what helps us cope with stress and sustains a sense of value and self-worth.

National suicide prevention charity R U OK? encourages everyone to use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:

1. Ask R U OK?

2. Listen

3. Encourage action

4. Check in

To download the ‘Guide to supporting R U OK?Day’, which has tips, ideas and resources, click HERE. Or for more resources including videos and conversation starters Visit R U OK?Day.

A reminder all RACMA members have access to EAP services through Converge International. For urgent support contact Beyond Blue (AU) on 1300 22 36 46, Lifeline (AU) 13 11 14 or Lifeline (NZ) 0800 54 33 54, 24 hours a day.

September 10, 2020

Author: Felicity Gallagher

10th September 2020

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