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New RACMA Fellowship Training Program Curriculum Learning Outcomes

< 1 Min Read

1 February 2024

It is with great pleasure that I announce the publication of the RACMA Fellowship Training Program Curriculum Learning Outcomes.

The Fellowship Training Program Curriculum Learning Outcomes will:

  • be implemented from 3 February 2025
  • apply to all Candidates from 3 February 2025
  • underpin training and education within the Fellowship Training Program
  • provide a foundation for the renewed Fellowship Training Program.

The Fellowship Training Program Curriculum Learning Outcomes are being published now to:

  • provide the required notice to all stakeholders of the Fellowship Training Program
  • facilitate planning towards the renewed Fellowship Training Program.

I would like to thank and acknowledge:

  • the many members of other Colleges, Health services and organisations who provided valuable insights, feedback and support
  • the Fellows and trainees of RACMA for their contribution of expertise, support and feedback throughout the development
  • the team at the RACMA office for their assistance in the development process
  • the members of the Fellowship Training Program Renewal Working Group for their tireless work in developing this component of the renewed Fellowship Training Program.

Please direct any questions on the Curriculum Learning Outcomes to the team at:

Yours sincerely

Chair, RACMA Education and Training Committee
Chair, Fellowship Training Program Renewal Project Working Group

Author: Noah Abbey

1st February 2024

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