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A message from the President

< 1 Min Read

In the past month, several Australian and New Zealand communities and colleagues have been severely affected by bushfires and the volcano eruption on Whakaari/White Island.

The College would like to extend its support and sympathy to all who have been and continue to be impacted by these devastating natural disasters.

We would like to acknowledge all those involved, especially the firefighters and other emergency and health services, who have been working tirelessly in extreme conditions.

To our very own medical leaders who have been working in such stressful situations to ensure all those in the affected areas have continued access to quality healthcare – we are truly grateful.

Our thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones, are severely injured and who have lost their precious homes, possessions and livelihoods.

The road to recovery and restoration will be slow and lengthy and I encourage all members to help our fellow colleagues and leaders in need now and moving forward. As your College we will provide any support our members need, including EAP services as required. If you would like to contact an EAP Counsellor you can call 1300 687 327 (Australia) and 0800 666 367 (New Zealand) or you can visit

Author: Felicity Gallagher

8th January 2020

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