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Impact of COVID-19 on College activities

< 1 Min Read

On behalf of RACMA I would like to thank all our members for the key roles you are all playing in the management of the current challenge to our healthcare system which has arisen from the spread of COVID-19.

I would like to acknowledge the importance of your role as current and emerging medical leaders in maintaining the quality and safety of our healthcare system. As such we understand the difficulty for some of our members to leave their workplace posed by upcoming Leadership for Clinicians and First Year Fellowship Training Program workshops and College meetings.

In light of this, RACMA will develop plans covering alternate ways to deliver impending meetings and key training content and communicate directly with those groups impacted.

If you are a Supervisor or Preceptor, please note at this stage we are only rescheduling First Year Candidate workshops occurring at the end of March.  There are no changes to other scheduled Candidate activities, including exams.

RACMA will continue to monitor COVID-19 and keep you informed as more information becomes available. If you have any questions please contact the College office on (03) 9824 4699 or email

Associate Professor Alan Sandford AM


Author: Felicity Gallagher

10th March 2020

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