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Training Domains Overview

The Fellowship Training Program (FTP) is an integrated model of teaching, learning and aligned assessment activities in four key domains.  Each Domain has a set of learning objectives based on syllabus topics and a program of formative assessment activities and summative tasks, including oral examination, training workshops, webinars, tutorials, written assignments and oral presentations. These assessments are aligned to the overall intended learning outcomes of the four domains.

The Health System Science Domain

This domain involves theoretical underpinning of the specialty training and learning in a recognised University Master’s degree (while working in an accredited medical management training post). This allows for programmatic learning as Candidates are taught and assessed in the relevant units and topics under the auspice of University academics and program. The domain is assessed by requiring success in Master’s degree in an accredited university. The learning goal is that specialist knowledge is acquired and demonstrated. This is evidenced by satisfactory completion of a group of core and optional University subjects with their own sets of academic-assessed assignments and examinations leading to completion of a recognised Master’s program and RACMA academic requirements of the FTP.

Click here to view more on the Health System Science Domain.

The Personal and Professional Leadership Development Domain

The overall goal for this domain is mastery of reflective practice. It is required that successful participation in a minimum of identified formative activities is demonstrated. Participation in the required assignments and modules is mandatory.

Click here to view more on the Personal and Professional Leadership Development Domain.

The Medical Management Practice Domain

The learning goal of this domain is skill development. Satisfactory performance is required in a suite of formatively-assessed exercises and training activities in the workplace is reported in a series of in-training performance and assessment reports (bi-annually). A satisfactory performance in a College Oral Examination also needs to be demonstrated.

Click here to view more on the Medical Management Practice Domain.

Training in the FTP is supported by face to face workshops, webinars and tutorials through the College. There is also the commitment of RACMA-acknowledged supervisors in the workplace who formatively assess Candidates in a schedule of regular and frequent discussions, and provide constructive, formative feedback on Candidates’ progress in the acquisition of competencies and skills for effective medical administrators. 

Induction Module

RACMA also offers an interactive on-line module for commencing and continuing Candidates to familiarise with the FTP, its assessment and requirements. The module provides Candidates with a discussion forum to exchange information, provide feedback and ask questions of each other.


There are a number of workshops offered by RACMA which need to be attended each year of the training program. Workshops’ timelines and programs will be reflected in the Annual Training Calendars for Candidates.

  • Medical Leadership and Clinical Governance Systems Workshop
  • Workforce Engagement and Performance Workshop
  • Advanced Medical Leadership Workshop

RACMA Oral Examination

The Oral Examination is an open-book examination encouraging Candidates to analyse and critique responses to scenarios for verbal discussion with examiners. The Oral Examination consists of four interview/exam stations and the candidates need to complete successfully all four stations to pass this assessment.