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My health setting is Public & Rural

Public health settings in a rural location are eligible to apply for funding consideration for new training positions via either the STP Rural or IRTP funding streams.

Difference between rural STP and IRTP funded posts

Rural STP posts and IRTP posts are funded in a similar way. Both receive salary support and Rural Support Loading (RSL). IRTP posts also receive funding to support the Supervisor of the role.

IRTP posts are designed to enable a Candidate to complete most of their Fellowship training in rural areas with limited metropolitan exposure.

Candidates occupying IRTP positions are expected to spend a minimum of 66% of their RACMA training time in a rural (MM 2-7) location and show a genuine commitment to rural training. Ideally, any required metropolitan rotations should form part of the Candidate’s overall training pathway and be identified at an early stage, rather than occurring on an ad hoc basis. Health settings must ensure that candidates occupying an IRTP-funded position are made aware of this requirement during the recruitment process, and that their training pathway is planned to accommodate this.

Funding amounts

STP rural funding is currently set at approximately $132,000, consisting of:

  • $107,000 for candidate salary support; and
  • Rural Support Loading (RSL) allowance of up to $25,000 for expenses to support the trainee in rural, regional and remote areas

IRTP funding is currently set at approximately $153,000, consisting of:

  • $108,000 for candidate salary support; and
  • Rural Support Loading (RSL) allowance of up to $20,000 for expenses to support the trainee in rural, regional and remote areas
  • IRTP Supervision Support Allowance of up to $25,000 for expenses to support the supervision of trainees in rural, regional and remote areas

All amounts are annual per 1.0 FTE, exclude GST and are current as at 1 January 2023.

Rural Support Loading (RSL) – for both rural STP and IRTP posts

In recognition of the additional costs associated with training in regional, rural and remote locations, Rural Support Loading (RSL) is intended to incentivise STP trainees to undertake training in regional, rural and remote locations. It aims to reduce some of the barriers for both the trainee and/or health setting hosting the trainee.

“Rural” is defined as being located in a Modified Monash Model (MM) 2-7 area.  To check if your health setting is within the MM 2-7 area, visit the DoctorConnect website.

RSL payments are managed in accordance with the Department of Health’s RSL Guidelines. RSL is linked to the specific training position and is not paid directly to Candidates.

STP rural or IRTP funded health settings must ensure that Candidates can utilise the RSL allowance to its fullest extent for eligible items within the Guidelines.

IRTP Supervision Support Allowance – for IRTP posts only

The aim of the IRTP Supervision Support Allowance is to support the delivery of IRTP in rural settings, and ensure that health settings provide appropriate supervision of their IRTP Candidates in accordance with the accreditation standards set by RACMA.

The Supervisor’s administrative role requires an understanding of complex systems that are constantly in transition. As the medical system and training requirements change, there may be additional administrative burdens placed on the clinical supervisor.

The Allowance is managed in accordance with RACMA’s IRTP Supervision Support Guidelines. This Allowance is linked to the specific IRTP training position and is not directly paid to the Supervisor.

Eligible clinical supervision expenses include:

  • Administrative support
  • Educational support (supervision time)
  • Networked supervision support
  • Supervisor development and training