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Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPLE)

Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience refers to the recognition of relevant knowledge, skills and competencies acquired through learning or experience prior to commencing the RACMA Fellowship Training Program.

Evidence of Prior Learning and Experience is assessed with consideration of currency, relevance and comparability to the requirements of the RACMA Fellowship Training Program.

Recognition if awarded may result in credit for specified training, learning and assessment requirements of the RACMA Fellowship Training Program.

Eligible Prior Learning and Experience

Masters Level Study

Applicants may seek Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience for previously completed studies that are comparable to the College’s academic requirements.

  • Applicants must demonstrate:
    • Completion of Masters level study that is comparable to one or more of the five RACMA core subjectsThat comparable Masters level study was completed less than 15 years prior to the date of application for Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience
    • Evidence of currency and ongoing professional development if the comparable Masters level study was completed greater than 10 years prior to the application for Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience.

Note: Applicants who have completed Masters level studies within a RACMA approved university Masters program prior to applying to undertake the RACMA Fellowship Training Program do not need to apply for recognition in this section. Successful applicants will be able to provide evidence of completion of the Masters level study once they commence training.

Experience at Senior Medical Leadership and Management Level

Applicants may seek Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience for prior experience in a senior medical leadership and management role.

Applicants must demonstrate:

  • Prior experience in a senior medical leadership and management role such as a Director of Medical Services, Chief Medical Officer, Head of Department or Unit
  • That the senior medical leadership and management role was of at least 24 months full-time equivalent continuous duration
  • That the 24 months in the senior medical leadership and management role was undertaken, within the 5 years prior to the application for Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience
  • That they are currently in a senior medical leadership and management role or plan to occupy a Medical Administration Registrar position
  • Achievement of the competencies described in one or more of the 15 RACMA Skill Sets acquired during a senior medical leadership and management role.

Fellowship Training Program Requirements that may be awarded credit

Masters Level Study: Credit may be awarded for any of the RACMA core subjects.

Foundation Workplace Based Assessments: Credit may be awarded for any of the Foundation Workplace Based Assessments.

Foundation Time in Supervised Practice: Credit may be awarded for Foundation time in supervised practice up to a maximum of 46 full time equivalent weeks. Credit awarded will be dependent on the number of Foundation Workplace Based Assessments recognised:

  • If an applicant is awarded credit for 0 to 4 Foundation Workplace Based Assessments, no Foundation time in supervised practice will be recognised
  • If an applicant is awarded credit for 5 to 9 Foundation Workplace Based Assessments, credit will be awarded for 23 full time equivalent weeks of Foundation time in supervised practice
  • If an applicant is awarded credit for 10 to 15 Foundation Workplace Based Assessments, credit will be awarded for 46 full time equivalent weeks of Foundation time in supervised practice.

Fellowship Training Program Requirements that will not be awarded credit

  • Foundation Learning, Development and Training Plans
  • Foundation Education Activities
  • Foundation In Training Assessments
  • Foundation 360-degree feedback
  • Advanced training, learning and assessment requirements (except for Masters level study requirements)

Further information about RPLE can be found in the Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience Policy.