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Project Updates

May 2024

The renewed program will be organised into two phases – Foundation Phase and Advanced Phase. There is a maximum duration for each phase of training. Each of the two phases includes a program
of training, learning and assessment, appropriate for that phase of training and that align with outcomes from all eight domains of professional practice.

    The two distinct phases:

  • Provide greater clarity when describing the requirements of the FTP and timing of when certain requirements need to be completed
  • Provide a structure incorporating vertical alignment, where knowledge, skills and abilities developed in the advanced phase build on the previous foundation phase
  • Permit easier identification of Candidates not progressing as expected so Training Support Plans can be established
FTP 2025 Overview

January 2024

New RACMA Fellowship Training Program Curriculum Learning Outcomes approved for implementation in 2025

August 2023

Notice of Changes to the Fellowship Training Program Masters Requirements

July 2023

FTP Renewal Project Announcement - Changes to Research Requirements

April 2023

Fellowship Training Program Renewal Project – Member Consultation

The Fellowship Training Program Renewal Project Working Group are inviting feedback on draft Curriculum Learning Outcomes for the renewed Fellowship Training Program. The draft Learning Outcomes describe the capabilities and competencies Candidates need to attain to meet the requirements of the Program. More information about the consultation process is available HERE.

Fellowship Training Program Renewal Project – Working Group

We are pleased to announce that following an Expression of Interest process, Dr Leah Barrett-Beck has joined the Working Group as the Jurisdictional Coordinator of Training Representative.

March 2023

The RACMA Board has recently approved that the Renewed Fellowship Training Program will launch for Candidates commencing in 2025.

The membership of the Working Group has been expanded to include broader representation of stakeholders.

Current members of the Working Group:

  • Prof Pooshan Navathé (Chair, Education and Training Committee (Working Group Chair)
  • Adj Prof Gillian Biscoe AM (Consumer Representative)
  • Dr Darrell Duncan (Censor-in-Chief)
  • Dr Joshua Hatton (RACMA Fellow less than five years since graduation)
  • Dr Isabelle Kapterian (representative of the Candidate Advisory Committee)
  • Prof Tony Lawler (RACMA Fellow less than five years since graduation)
  • Dr Peter Lowthian (Lead Fellow, Leadership for Clinicians)
  • Mr Cris Massis (RACMA Chief Executive)
  • Dr Donna O’Sullivan (Chair, Training Progress Committee)

The Board approved that the Working Group also include:

  • One (1) Jurisdictional Coordinator of Training
  • One (1) RACMA Fellow who is a representative of the Policy and Advocacy Committee

The Working Group will also include representation from Aotearoa New Zealand, and from the Private and Public sectors.

The Working Group has been reviewing several components of the Fellowship Training Program.

These include the Masters and Research Training requirements and the curriculum. Discussion papers about proposed changes to the Masters and Research Training requirements have been prepared for stakeholder feedback. Members of the following Committees have been asked to provide feedback:

  • Accreditation Committee
  • Board of Censors
  • Candidate Advisory Committee
  • Training Progress Committee

The 2011 curriculum document has been reviewed and a draft curriculum framework and set of learning outcomes have been developed. A broad Member consultation on the draft learning outcomes will be undertaken in the coming months.