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The First 30 Years

This special publication is an historical record of the College which details its chronological development and documents the pertinent names, dates and facts for each of its first 30 years. The Chronicle identifies the origins of the College, together with the Council members, office bearers and award winners since its inception in 1967 as well as recording the respective annual scientific meetings and related information.

The Chronicle is the first publication of the College that brings together these important facts and events in the life of the College. We are indebted to Dr Maurice Cleary for his role as editor of the document. Dr Cleary has revised and corrected the Chronicle with reference to archive material extant at the College Secretariat including annual reports, annual general meetings and various state committee papers and documents. In addition, Dr Cleary consulted a number of senior Fellows in the formulation of the document in order to verify specific details and matters of fact relating particularly to the early history of the College where reliable archival material was not available.

The Chronicle represents an important resource for the College as well as an invaluable index to the College’s various identities and achievements in its first 30 years.

The Chronicle