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Office Bearers

First Office Bearers

The First Office Bearers:

President                     Dr W E E Langford

Senior Vice-President         Dr C J Cummins

Vice-President                Dr B Nicholson

Honorary Secretary            Dr S J H Shepherd

Honorary Treasurer            Dr G I H Howard

Censor-in-Chief               Sir William Refshauge


President Dr W E E Langford
Senior Vice-President Dr C J Cummins
Vice-President Dr B Nicholson
Honorary Secretary Dr S J H Shepherd
Honorary Treasurer Dr G I H Howard
Censor-in-Chief Sir William Refshauge

The College President serves for a term of three years.

The following persons have been College Presidents:

1968-70 Dr W E Langford
1970-72 Dr C J Cummins
1972-74 Dr B Nicholson
1974-76 Dr S J H Shepherd
1976-78 Dr H Kramer
1978-80 Dr W T McCoy
1980-82 Dr R C Webb
1982-84 Dr R G McEwin
1984-86 Dr I R Vanderfield
1986-88 Dr J G Golledge
1988-90 Dr B J Kearney
1990-92 Dr P J Brennan
1992-94 Dr C V Wellington
1994-96 Dr J Alexander
1996-98 Dr M R (Taffy) Jones
1998-00 Dr M Jelly
2000-02 Dr J Sparrow
2002-04 Dr S Devanesen
2004-06 Dr P Montgomery
2006-08 Professor G Frost
2008-10 Dr D Rankin
2010-12 Dr R Boyd
2012-15 Dr L Gruner
2015-18 Professor M Cleary
2018-21 Associate Professor A Sandford AM
2021- Dr H Parsons CSC
Censor in Chief

The Censor in Chief has responsibility for all College assessment and also oversees the alignments of the Curriculum with the Assessment Framework in the RACMA Fellowship Training Program.

The Censor in Chief is also Chair of the Board of Censors. The following persons have occupied this important position:

1968-75 Sir William Refshauge
1975-78 Dr R McEwin
1978-83 Dr T Wood
1983-86 Dr S Sax
1986-89 Dr B Kearney
1989-92 Dr J Alexander
1992-95 Dr P Southgate
1995-99 Dr J Campbell
1999-05 Dr G Frost
2005-10 Dr L Gruner
2010-13 Dr L Lee
2013 -18 Associate Professor A Sandford AM
2018- Dr Peter Lowthian