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My health setting is Private

Private health settings in a rural or metropolitan location are eligible to apply for funding consideration for new training positions via the STP funding stream.

Funding amounts

STP private funding is currently set at approximately $137,000, consisting of:

  • $107,000 for candidate salary support, and
  • Private Infrastructure and Clinical Supervision (PICS) allowance of up to $30,000 for eligible clinical supervision and private infrastructure expenses

All amounts are annual per 1.0 FTE, exclude GST and are current as of 1 January 2023.

Private Infrastructure and Clinical Supervision (PICS) Allowance

The aim of the PICS (Private Infrastructure and Clinical Supervision) Allowance is to support the delivery of STP in private sector settings, and ensure that health settings provide appropriate supervision of their STP Candidates in accordance with the accreditation standards set by RACMA. PICS can be used to support eligible clinical supervision or infrastructure expenses in the private setting.

The Supervisor’s administrative role requires an understanding of complex systems that are constantly in transition. As the medical system and training requirements change, there may be additional administrative burdens placed on the clinical supervisor.

PICS is managed in accordance with the Department of Health’s PICS Guidelines. Private STP settings may claim PICS funding for eligible expenses of up to $30,000 (GST exclusive) per 1 FTE, per annum. PICS is linked to the specific training position and is not paid directly to Candidates or Supervisors.

Eligible clinical supervision expenses include administrative support, educational support (supervision time), networked supervision support and Supervisor development and training.

Eligible infrastructure expenses include training room outfitting, initial training post set up, minor renovation of existing facilities, online educational software and journal access, and overhead infrastructure such as office equipment.