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2020 & 2021 CPD Requirements

2 Min Read

Completion of CPD activities for 2020 was difficult for most Members due to COVID-19 Pandemic. In line with advice from the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) and the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ), the RACMA Board has approved an exemption for CPD requirements for Members for 2020, with no action to be taken for non-compliance. Information from the MBA can be found HERE and information from MCNZ can be found HERE

CPD is a cornerstone of the Medical Administration speciality that keeps Members contemporary in an ever-changing health landscape, Members are encouraged to attempt to complete as much CPD as they can in their MyRACMA CPD record for 2020.

However, if you wish to be issued with Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of Participation for 2020 then you will need to enter activities for 2020 in MyRACMA by 31st March 2021.

What does this mean?

  • If you have completed the minimum CPD hours for 2020 you will be able to download a Certificate of Compliance. Certificates will be available in April-May 2021 once the audit of Member records has taken place. Members will be advised when certificates are available.
  • If you have partially completed your CPD requirements for 2020 but not met minimum requirements, you will be sent a Certificate of Participation. These certificates will be emailed to Members during April 2021.
  • If you have not completed any activities in your CPD record, you will not receive any certification, however the RACMA Board will not take any action regarding CPD compliance.

2021 CPD

CPD for 2021 must be completed as normal. Fellows are required to achieve a minimum of 50 hours per year including a mandatory PDP and Associate Fellows are required to achieve a minimum of 25 hours per year including a mandatory PDP.

Information to support Members with CPD guidance can be found in the RACMA CPD Handbook, which can be found at If you are a New Zealand Member, please be sure to review the specific requirements of the MCNZ.

If you have any questions, please email

Author: Felicity Gallagher

19th February 2021

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