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2024 Timetables

In 2024 two delivery models will be offered:

  • Blended Delivery – Including four face to face days and four online interactive sessions
  • Online Delivery – eight online interactive sessions

The timetables for the two models are:

Delivery Period 1

Blended Delivery

The Sydney and Brisbane cohorts are now fully subscribed.

Please note the time zone applicable for each session.

Online Delivery

The Online A and Online B cohorts are now fully subscribed.

Please note the time zone applicable for each session.

Delivery Period 2

Blended Delivery

Both Melbourne and Wellington cohorts are now fully subscribed

Wellington Cohort

Please note the online sessions will be delivered in New Zealand time, either NZST or NZDT. Australian participants need to adjust timing appropriately.

The Wellington cohort will focus primarily on the New Zealand Health System. Australian participants may want to supplement the sessions with Australian content available on the Learning Management System.

Please note the time zone applicable for each session.

Online Delivery

The Online C and Online D cohorts are now fully subscribed.
Please Note: The RANZCOG delivery is a restricted access cohort, application is through RANZCOG.

Please note the time zone applicable for each session.