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Domains of Professional Practice

The Fellowship Training Program (FTP) is an integrated model of teaching, learning and aligned assessment activities in eight domains of professional practice that are considered essential for a RACMA Fellow. The eight domains are:

  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Ethics and Professionalism
  • Health Advocacy and Cultural Safety
  • Learning, Teaching and Informed Decision Making
  • Medical and Health System Expertise
  • Medical Leadership
  • Medical Management

Each Domain has a set of learning objectives based on syllabus topics and a program of formative assessment activities and summative tasks.

The Graduate Outcomes defined under each of the eight domains are expanded into Key Competencies and Learning Outcomes.

Key Competencies are broad statements that define what a Candidate is expected to be able to do by the end of the training program. Each of the broad Key Competencies are expanded further as detailed Learning Outcomes.

Learning Outcomes describe in observable and measurable terms the expected knowledge, skills and professional abilities Candidates are expected to achieve by the end of the Fellowship Training Program.

For the full details on each domain please read the Curriculum Learning Outcomes document.