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Clinical Governance Program

The RACMA Board approved a program of work aiming to position RACMA as the national authority on clinical governance practice. This work was initiated following a meeting in early 2023 with Ahpra, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) and the Clinical Excellence Commission where RACMA was invited to lead the development of practical tools and training in clinical governance.

The Clinical Governance program of work involves:

  • A podcast series covering complex hypothetical challenges that reflect some of the most contentious issues facing modern medicine
  • Defining the components of clinical governance
  • Creating a clinical governance self-assessment tool which can be used to determine the maturity of clinical governance in Australian hospitals
  • Determining current perception amongst clinicians of clinical leadership
  • Developing and delivering an integrated series of training programs for various target audiences involved in healthcare governance, leadership and delivery
  • Creating a repository of tools to deliver effective clinical governance