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Chief Medical Officer – NT Health

NT Health

NT Health
Darwin, NT

Employment Type: Full-time
Location: Darwin, NT
Application Close Date: 11/10/2023

Where you’ll be working

NT Health manages the Northern Territory public health system, operating as one system across 5 regions, providing the full spectrum of essential, quality health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care across the life course.

Each region aligns NT Health with the NT Government regional boundaries and provides greater opportunity for collaboration; ensuring consistency with regional reporting; and strengthening local accountability and responsive care. Public health services are provided through 6 public hospitals, including 2 in Greater Darwin, one in each Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, Katherine and Gove.

About the Role

The Chief Medical Officer provides senior system level clinical leadership in the areas of patient safety, clinical quality, system innovation, compliance and assurance and professional leadership for the medical workforce across NT Health, including the Regional Healthcare Services.

Key duties and responsibilities:

  • Provide strategic leadership to the Clinical Excellence and Patient Safety Branch, incorporating Clinical Excellence and Patient Safety Unit, the Prevocational Medical Assurance Services and the Rural Generalist Coordination Unit.
  • Lead the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the NT Health Clinical Governance Framework and the NT Health Clinical Excellence and Patient Safety Plan, to enable systematic reporting of quality and safety surveillance data and oversight of key NT Health strategies covering clinical governance, clinician engagement, clinical excellence, quality improvement and patient safety.
  • Deliver NT Health wide professional leadership and undertake strategic planning for the medical workforce in consultation with relevant stakeholders and informed by an expert awareness of emerging trends, clinical reform issues and strategic workforce development at local and national levels.
  • Lead the medical workforce and engagement strategies across NT Health and the Regional Healthcare Services.
  • Provide strategic clinical leadership on relevant clinical quality improvement projects to enhance the design and operation of health services, clinical governance, quality and innovation across NT Health, including the Regional Healthcare Services.
  • Represent the Department on national and jurisdictional committees and working groups in relation to national health reform agenda strategies, medical workforce, clinical governance and quality improvement strategies.
  • Follow defined service quality standards, work health and safety policies and procedures relating to the work being undertaken in order to ensure high quality, safe services and workplaces.
  • Foster a positive workplace culture through exemplary leadership practices and role modelling behaviour.

About You

Selection Criteria:


  • Eligible for registration as a specialist with the Medical Board of Australia, completed not less than the equivalent of six years of fulltime service as a medical Specialist.
  • Demonstrated senior level clinical leadership experience and achievement in the areas of safety and quality, with sound understanding of government processes, system-wide policy, innovation and clinical strategic development.
  • Detailed knowledge of the concepts of patient safety, the principles and practices of quality improvement, risk management and accreditation frameworks and their application in a health care environment.
  • Demonstrated high level credibility and ability to act as a professional lead for the medical workforce.
  • Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills with sound judgement and decision-making skills, with a demonstrated capability to consult, influence, engage and negotiate effectively in a complex, cross-cultural and politically sensitive environment across a broad range of stakeholders.

More information

For role related queries or questions contact Prof Marco Briceno on 08 8922 7166 or email

Applications close: 11 October 2023