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Please complete the steps below to ensure successful access to the Member Hub.

  • Go to the MyRACMA portal website [Top Righthand Side of this website]
  • Enter your username: [email address]
  • Enter your password: [if you have not set your password beforehand, please click "forgot your password"]
  • Click the "Login" button.

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RACMA Board Elections

Visit the RACMA Board Page for a list of current Board Directors

  • The President-Elect is a Fellow nominated and elected by Fellow Members
  • Fellow Board Directors are nominated and elected by Fellow Members
  • Associate Fellow Board Directors are nominated and elected by Associate Fellow Members
  • the Candidate Board Director is nominated and elected by Candidate Members
  • the Board Director(s) with special expertise is/are appointed by the elected Board Directors

The President-Elect is appointed President at the end of the term of the prior President.

If none if the Fellows elected to the Board are ordinarily resident of Aotearoa New Zealand, the elected Directors will appoint one additional Fellow to the Board from Aotearoa New Zealand.

Elected Board Directors (other than a Director who is a Candidate) are elected for 3 years and are eligible for re-election, noting that they can serve for a maximum continuous period of 9 years, not taking into account any term as President-Elect or President.

A Director who is a Candidate is elected for a term of 2 years.

Directors with special expertise who are not Members of the College are appointed by the Elected Board Directors for a maximum term of 3 years and may be re-appointed.

Key Points of Note

Members from all jurisdictions are eligible for election to vacant Board positions.

In accordance with the RACMA Constitution, a maximum of two Fellows residing in the same jurisdiction may serve as elected Directors on the RACMA Board. However, the positions of President and President-Elect are excluded from the jurisdictional cap. 

A Member is ineligible to be elected or appointed as a Director if they are in arrears in payment of their annual subscription.

Refer to the RACMA Constitution to read all eligibility criteria.

Additional information will be available when we are preparing for or holding elections for new Board Directors.