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Masters Level Study

Candidates or prospective Candidates

Candidates in the RACMA Fellowship Training Program must demonstrate satisfactory completion of the following five RACMA core subjects from an approved Masters program:

  • Evidence Informed Decision Making
  • Financial Management in Health
  • Health Care Systems
  • Health Law and Ethics
  • Leadership

From 2025 Candidates do not need to complete a full Masters degree to meet the Masters Level Study training requirement of the Fellowship Training Program. They may however at their own discretion choose to complete a full Masters degree.

A list of RACMA approved University Master’s Programs is available HERE. Applicants for the Fellowship Training Program may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience for study at Masters level that is comparable to the RACMA core subjects.


Universities interested in applying for RACMA approval of their Masters programs for RACMA Fellowship Training Program Candidates.

Candidates in the RACMA Fellowship Training Program are required to complete approved Masters level study.

RACMA Fellowship Training Program Candidates must demonstrate satisfactory completion of the following five RACMA core subjects from an approved Masters program:

  • Evidence Informed Decision Making
  • Financial Management in Health
  • Health Care Systems
  • Health Law and Ethics
  • Leadership

For a University Masters Program to be approved by RACMA, the program must meet defined criteria to ensure quality and relevance to the outcomes of the RACMA Fellowship Training Program. RACMA uses a structured four-yearly review and approval cycle.

The onus is on the university to satisfy RACMA that it meets the standards.

Universities seeking approval of a Masters program are required to submit an application to RACMA.

Applications should be submitted to and include the following:

  • Completed application form – contact the team directly on the above email for this form
  • Program handbook(s) in pdf format; and
  • Most recent program and subject monitoring and evaluation reports.

Universities are required to pay an application fee.  Applications will not be considered until payment of the application fee.

For further information please refer to the following:

For enquiries about Masters Level Studies email