RACMA The Quarterly Journal Q1 2023

11 10 | THE QUARTERLY Q1 2023 2023 RACMAMembership Survey – a summary Results from the 2023 RACMA Membership Survey have provided a snapshot view of the membership with a lower response rate compared to previous years. The 2023 survey was sent to 1301 active College Members and 207 (16%) responded. Responses were received from 98 Fellows, 77 Associate Fellows and 32 Candidates. The objective of the survey is to better understand the profile of our Members, the challenges they face in providing Medical Leadership and the contribution they make to the health system. It also asks Members about their perception of RACMA, their willingness to contribute and ways the College could improve. More than half of the Fellows who responded indicated they work in either Executive Director of Medical Services (EDMS) and Director of Medical Services (DMS) roles. While 68 per cent of Associate Fellows who answered the survey work as clinical leaders or clinicians with just 24 per cent working as EDMS or DMS. The survey also revealed 49 per cent of respondents (63 per cent of Fellows) work 80 – 100 per cent of their time in Medical Administration roles. When drilling down into the areas of focus within their roles, the Fellows who responded spend most of their time in clinical governance and executive leadership. This is followed by medical workforce, and stakeholder engagement. When it comes to what challenges Fellows most in their roles, it is medical workforce, closely followed by clinical governance and then digital health, medico-legal and executive leadership. The survey also showed Associate Fellows spend more time than Fellows in education and training. Out of the Members who responded, 46 per cent have experienced or witnessed bullying and harassment in the workplace. Responses includedmany observations of not being heard, seeing resignation as the only option or being instructed to not raise the issue. However, 70 per cent of respondents say they are well respected within their organisation, with only three per cent indicating they are ignored. Interestingly, the survey showed the Colleges where most Members have membership with were: ƒ RACP – 26% ƒ RACGP – 18% ƒ ACHSM – 15% ƒ ACRRM – 10% ƒ RACS – 8% The survey also helps explore ways the College can enhance the value of RACMA to our Members. When it came to uncovering the opinions and perspectives of the College, the survey queried Members on opportunities to improve Member experience and the value to Members, as well as asking their thoughts on significant challenges for the College. Key challenges for the College are seen as: ƒ Improving collegiality, mentoring, connections, support; ƒ Be acknowledged for health service leadership, advocacy; ƒ Expand outside doctors to corporate education etc; ƒ Focus on the core (less extraneous stuff); ƒ Reduce fees (or enhance value); ƒ Enhance knowledge content at Conference (2022 was commented on frequently as being low content); ƒ Providing short, practical education resources. Practical instructional videos on common challenges; ƒ Partnering with the Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM), Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and other organisations; and ƒ Improve availability, answering the phone, responsiveness The most popular College activity amongst those who responded is the monthly CPD webinars. Members provided more than 70 Webinar topics or short courses that they would like to see RACMA provide in the future and the top five topics were: ƒ Strategic planning ƒ Culture change ƒ Corporate Governance ƒ Preparing a business case ƒ Clinical Informatics Other College activities, events and communications the respondents favoured include jurisdictional events, the conference, the Quarterly, access to the BMJ Leader, the Presidents Member Forum on Wednesdays and the monthly President Newsletter. Looking at the College wholistically and thinking about what we do and offer on all levels, the survey asked Members to rate RACMA against a number of descriptive words, and of those who responded, the majority chose the following to be the most appropriate when thinking about the College and what we do. ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES <25 0 25 - 45 24.15% 45-65 56.52% >65 19.35% Total Respondents 207 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Metropolitan 68.12% Regional 28.50% Rural 22.22% Remote 8.21% Total Respondents 207 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 1 1.93% 2 3.38% 3 22.22% 4 5.31% 5 8.70% 6 13.53% 7 15.94% 8 25.12% 9 9.66% 10 12.56% Total Respondents 207 Activities Members spend most of their medical leadership time ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Strategy, planning and executive leadership 46.38% Departmental oversight/management 21.26% Medical workforce management 49.762% Clinical Governance and Quality 61.35% Advocacy and stakeholder engagement 32.85% Digital Health and Informatics 13.53% Medico-legal issues 15.94% Research and Innovation 14.01% Education and Training 30.92% Other 10.14% Total Respondents 207