Member resources temporarily unavailable - RACMA | Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators


If you do not have a username or password, please contact us with your details.

Please complete the steps below to ensure successful access to the Member Hub.

  • Go to the MyRACMA portal website [Top Righthand Side of this website]
  • Enter your username: [email address]
  • Enter your password: [if you have not set your password beforehand, please click "forgot your password"]
  • Click the "Login" button.

If you have any problems, please get in touch with IT Support by emailing

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Member resources temporarily unavailable


As our valued members, we have something special occurring as the MyRACMA Site is being upgraded.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience.

The MyRACMA Portal will be available again on Tuesday, the 28th of January between 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm (AEDT).

Please email the College at
or IT

Alternatively, please call the College on +613 9824 4699, Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8:30 am to 5.00 pm.